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Ancre 1
- 2016 -
Jezierski, Tadeusz - Ensminger, John J - Papet, L.E - Canine Olfaction Science and Law: Advances in Forensic Science, Medicine, Conservation, and Environmental Remediation - CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group - 2016
- 2020 -
Abikhair, Jackie - The Complete Guide to Nosework and Scent Detection Training - Independently published - Janv. 2020
Osterkamp, Tom - Detector Dogs and Scent Movement: How Weather, Terrain, and Vegetation Influence Search Strategies - CRC Press, Boca Ranton, FL - Avril 2020
- 2021-
Groc, Isabelle - Conservation Canines: How Dogs Work for the Environment - Orca Book Publishers - Sept. 2021
Publications scientifiques
- 2006 -
Arnett, E.B., 2006. A Preliminary Evaluation on the Use of Dogs to Recover Bat Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34, 1440–1445.
- 2015 -
Chambers, C.L., Vojta, C.D., Mering, E.D., Davenport, B., 2015. Efficacy of scent-detection dogs for locating bat roosts in trees and snags. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39, 780–787.
- 2016 -
Beebe, S.C., Howell, T.J., Bennett, P.C., 2016. Using Scent Detection Dogs in Conservation Settings: A Review of Scientific Literature Regarding Their Selection. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 3.
- 2017 -
Johnen, D., Heuwieser, W., Fischer-Tenhagen, C., 2017. An approach to identify bias in scent detection dog testing. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 189, 1–12.
Mosconi, F., Campanaro, A., Carpaneto, G.M., Chiari, S., Hardersen, S., Mancini, E., Maurizi, E., Sabatelli, S., Zauli, A., Mason, F., Audisio, P., 2017. Training of a dog for the monitoring of Osmoderma eremita. Nat. Conserv. 20, 237–264.
- 2019 -
DeMatteo, K.E., Davenport, B., Wilson, L.E., 2019. Back to the basics with conservation detection dogs: fundamentals for success. Wildlife Biology 2019, wlb.00584.
- 2020 -
Thomas, M.L., Baker, L., Beattie, J.R., Baker, A.M., 2020. Determining the efficacy of camera traps, live capture traps, and detection dogs for locating cryptic small mammal species. Ecol. Evol. 10, 1054–1068.
- 2021 -
Bray, E.E., Otto, C.M., Udell, M.A.R., Hall, N.J., Johnston, A.M., MacLean, E.L., 2021. Enhancing the Selection and Performance of Working Dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8.
Grimm-Seyfarth, A., Harms, W., Berger, A., 2021. Detection dogs in nature conservation: A database on their world-wide deployment with a review on breeds used and their performance compared to other methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12, 568–579.
- 2022 -
Collins, M.A., Browne, C.M., Edwards, T.L., Ling, N., Tempero, G.W., Gleeson, D.M., Crockett, K., Quaife, J., 2022. How low can they go: A comparison between dog (Canis familiaris) and environmental DNA detection of invasive koi carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 255.
Webinars, n.d. . Australas. Conserv. Dog Netw. URL (accessed 4.1.24).
- 2016 -
Ballouard, J.-M., Caron, S., Gayraud, R., Rozec, F., Besnard, A., Bech, N., Bonnet, X., 2016. Des chiens pour détecter et déplacer les tortues d’Hermann avant les travaux de broyage et de terrassement.
Sentilles, J., Delrieu, N., & Quenette, P. Y. 2016. Un chien pour la détection de fèces: premiers résultats pour le suivi de l’ours brun dans les Pyrénées. Faune Sauvage 312: 22, 26.
- 2017 -
Olivier, A., Smith, H., Santos, R., Tatin, L., Espuno, N., Arnal, V., Montgelard, C., Miaud, C., 2017. Utilisation de chiens pour détecter la présence du lézard ocellé (Timon lepidus).
- 2018 -
Sentilles, J. et al. (2018). Un chien de détection pour le suivi des espèces invasives ?. FauneSauvage, volume (321), 26-27.
- 2019 -
Pet dogs trained to sniff out tiny endangered alpine insects, 2019. ABC News.
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